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Does Progesterone Make You Tired?

Plus, the Progesterone Lab Tests You Need to Feel Better
April 5, 2023
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Your hormones affect everything from blood sugar and blood pressure to growth processes, libido, fertility, metabolism, and sleep.

They dictate when you feel hungry, how you sleep, your growth rate, and sexual desire.

When your progesterone hormones are imbalanced, you can feel irritable, uncomfortable, tired, and depressed.

These imbalances are also associated with several chronic health conditions (e.g., type 1 and type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer).

Keeping your progesterone hormones balanced is essential for maintaining good metabolism. A healthy metabolism can help you feel more energized during the day so you can get better quality sleep at night.

Which Hormones Make You Feel Tired?

Are you depressed? Is it just a symptom of old age? Do you need to lose a few pounds? Or could it be a hormone imbalance making you feel tired all the time?

Here are six hormones, including progesterone, that can make you feel tired, sluggish, sad, or even depressed when they’re imbalanced:

  1. Thyroid
    Thyroid hormones control your metabolism or how your body turns food into energy. Both hypothyroidism (underproducing) and hyperthyroidism (overproducing) can make you feel tired, even after a restful night of sleep.
  2. Cortisol
    Cortisol is your body’s primary stress hormone. Excessive or chronic stress is the primary cause of cortisol imbalance. Both high and low cortisol levels can cause a lack of energy and fatigue.
  3. Insulin
    Insulin is a hormone created in the pancreas. It is responsible for converting the sugar from the carbohydrates you consume into energy. Like cortisol, both high and low insulin levels can impact your energy level, making you tired.
  4. Estrogen
    Estrogens are a group of hormones responsible for sexual and reproductive development in women. They are also present in men and support testosterone hormone function. Estrogens are closely linked to serotonin hormones, which make melatonin. Melatonin is the primary sleep hormone.
  5. Progesterone
    Progesterone and fatigue are closely linked because progesterone is a calming, mood, sleep, and libido-enhancing hormone. Both men and women need healthy progesterone levels. Men need it to support healthy testosterone production. Women need it to regulate their menstrual cycles and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
  6. Testosterone
    Both men and women need healthy testosterone levels for optimal physical and mental function. It also plays a significant role in supporting healthy progesterone and energy levels.

Does Progesterone Make You Tired?

When you think of progesterone, the first thing that probably comes to mind is its vital role in pregnancy. However, there is also a close connection between progesterone levels and how energetic you feel.

It is commonly called the “relaxing hormone” because of its mildly sedative effect.

Progesterone naturally metabolizes in brain tissues, which helps reduce neuronal excitability. This process has calming, anti-anxiety, and relaxing effects.

Progesterone and Sleep

Consistent, quality sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. And higher levels of progesterone are proven to help you sleep better.

Common Problems Women May Have with Hormone Imbalance

Does your body feel out of whack? You might need a hormone lab test to help you identify exactly what’s making you feel that way.

As women age, their hormones begin to fluctuate, often impacting sleep. Perimenopause, the beginning of a woman’s natural transition to menopause, marks the natural decline in reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Women experience sleep disturbances, like hot flashes and night sweats, when these hormones are imbalanced. The symptoms of perimenopause fatigue can be very frustrating and mimic those of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.

What Are the Signs of Too Much Progesterone?

Women in their reproductive years will experience rising progesterone levels shortly after ovulation (mid-cycle). These levels continue to increase until the beginning of her next menstrual cycle.

Signs of too much progesterone are similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and may include the following:

  • Anxiety and agitation
  • Bloating
  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle, joint, or bone pain
  • Weight gain

The only way to confirm whether your progesterone levels are elevated is to get your hormones checked with a few simple blood tests. Ulta Lab Tests offers a selection of convenient, affordable, confidential, and physician-approved progesterone lab tests, including:

Quest Diagnostics conducts all tests. Results are typically available within 1-2 business days.
Doctor's orders are never required.

Types of Progesterone

Are you struggling with the adverse effects of chronically low progesterone levels? Talk to your doctor about which synthetic progesterone is suitable for you.

Here are eight types of synthetic progesterone or progestin:

  1. Norethindrone
  2. Norethindrone acetate
  3. Ethynodiol diacetate
  4. Levonorgestrel
  5. Norgestrel
  6. Desogestrel
  7. Norgestimate
  8. Drospirenone

Progestin can help ease anxiety, promote memory, ease symptoms of PMS, improve metabolism, support thyroid function, reduce headaches, and improve insomnia.

How Much Progesterone Is a Typical Dose for Treatment?

The dose of progesterone will be unique for everyone. It depends on the following factors:

  • The strength of the medicine
  • The number of daily doses
  • The time between doses
  • The length of time you need to take it
  • The medical problem you're treating

Typical female adult progesterone dosing is as follows:

  • 20mg per day (topical cream) for physiological replacement
  • 400mg per day (oral capsule) for 12 continuous days per 28-day menstrual cycle for treating endometrial hyperplasia (irregular and pre-cancerous thickening of the uterus)
  • 400mg per day (oral capsule), taken as a single dose at bedtime for ten consecutive days for treating amenorrhea (unusual absence of menstrual periods)
  • 1,200mg per day (vaginal suppository) to support in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Typical male adult progesterone dosing for topical cream is as follows:

  • 4-6mg applied directly to the scrotum twice a day to offset estrogen dominance and reduce prostate size

When Do You Usually Take Progesterone?

Because progesterone has a sedative effect, most healthcare professionals recommend taking progesterone in the evening or shortly before bedtime.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Ensure Quality Sleep

Set yourself up for success. Give your body everything it needs during the day so you can rest soundly at night. Try these healthy lifestyle habits to ensure regular, high-quality sleep:

  • Follow a sleep schedule
    Adults need between 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including on weekends. Consistency helps you get better quality sleep, supports a healthier body composition, and lowers your risk for heart disease.
  • Reach for healthy foods
    Add more complex carbohydrates to your diet, like whole grains, for better sleep. These foods will encourage serotonin production and more restorative sleep.
  • Move your body
    Regular physical activity can alleviate daytime sleepiness, helps you fall asleep faster, and reduce your dependence on sleep medication.
  • Prep your bedroom and your body for sleep
    Turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before your planned bedtime. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, quiet, and free of distractions. Do something relaxing before bedtime (e.g., read a book, take a bath, practice light yoga or meditation).
  • Limit naps
    Indulging in an afternoon siesta can interfere with nighttime sleep. Limit naps to no more than one hour and avoid napping late in the day.
  • Manage stress
    Write down your thoughts or worries before bed. This allows your brain to set them aside until tomorrow. You can also try gentle breathing techniques, light yoga, or meditation to quiet your mind and body before bed.
  • Know when to contact your doctor
    Talk to your primary care provider if you regularly have trouble falling or staying asleep. They can help identify and treat any underlying causes and help you get the better sleep you deserve. 

Taking care of your overall health is integral to aging well and maintaining healthy progesterone levels.

However, if you're experiencing symptoms of low progesterone getting your levels checked is a crucial first step toward treatment. Visit Ulta Lab Tests for the exact tests you need to begin your path toward feeling great.

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