All Blood Disorder Tests

Blood Disorder Lab Tests and health information

Be proactive in your health with Ulta Lab Tests to regularly test your blood for common blood disorders. Early detection is crucial for future care and treatment. 

  • Red blood cell disorders: iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, and aplastic anemia
  • White blood cell disorders: leukemia, lymphoma, and myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Platelet disorders: hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease, Bernard Soulier syndrome

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There are various kinds of blood disorders. The most frequent ones are blood cancers, clotting disorders, bleeding disorders, and anemias. Like many diseases, early diagnosis is critical for future treatment and care. Continue reading to learn more information concerning these disorders and what measures you can employ to deal with any symptoms you may face. 

What is a Blood Disorder? 

A blood disorder is an illness that hampers the ability of the blood to work properly. Blood disorders tend to impact the following parts of the blood.  

  • Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body and carry carbon dioxide to the lungs for expulsion. 
  • White blood cells: These cells are produced in the bone marrow and assist the body in fighting diseases and infections.  
  • Thrombocytes or platelets: These blood cells are colorless and assist the body in forming blood clots. 
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