Tumor Marker

Tumor Marker Screening and health information

The Alpha-Fetoprotein test is used as a tumor marker to help detect and diagnose cancers of the liver, testicles, and ovaries. Order from Ulta Lab Tests today with results sent confidentially online in 24 to 48 hours after collection.

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Tumor and Cancer Markers  

Cancer is an ailment in which specific cells grow abnormally or uncontrollably and spread to other cells or parts of the human body. The thing about cancerous cells is that they don't follow the normal process that healthy cells in the body do. Normal cells grow and multiply (through cell division) to form new cells required by the body. When cells become damaged or grow old, they die and get replaced by new ones. However, that's not the case with cancerous cells, as they continue to grow and multiply even when they aren't supposed to. 

When cancerous cells multiply, they form cell masses known as tumors, which grow big enough to interfere with normal body functions and damage healthy tissues. However, it's worth noting that not all types of cancers form tumors (for example, leukemia), and not all tumors found in the body are malignant. Others can be benign, meaning they are non-spreading and non-cancerous.  

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