Lactose Intolerance

Lactose Intolerance Lab Tests and health information

Order the lactose intolerance tests to evaluate if you are intolerant to dairy and products containing lactose from Ulta Lab Tests. Learn about your health today!

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7 Frequently Asked Questions About Lactose Intolerance Tests

Stomachaches, gas, loose stools - there are plenty of unfortunate consequences of lactose intolerance.

But how do you know if you're lactose intolerant? What if you're just prone to having stomach issues?

If you're experiencing chronic digestive discomfort, then you should consider lactose intolerance tests, especially if you feel pain after ingesting a lot of dairy.

Give yourself the best chance for comfort. Sometimes, taking a test can do just that.

So keep reading for seven frequently asked questions about lactose intolerance tests. Afterward, you'll be ready to change your lifestyle and diet for the better.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance refers to a body's inability to digest lactose, a natural sugar in dairy products. When a lactose-intolerant person ingests lactose, the lactose will move through the digestive system without proper digestion.

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