General Wellness

General Wellness Testing and health information

To get a better idea of your health state, you're likely to need a wellness exam. Learn about how these tests function and what you can gain from them, and which labs to order. 

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Regular visits to the doctor remain an important part of staying healthy in this modern-day and age. In the United States, 44 million people get annual physicals to keep tabs on their health. 

A regular wellness exam can tell you much about how your body is reacting to your choices in life. Even if you are eating well and getting regular exercise, a regular physical examination can alert you to health conditions you may not know about.  

One of the essential parts of a comprehensive physical examination is a wellness exam lab test.  

What Are Wellness Exams?  

Preventative care is a term for a gamut of methods applied to maintain wellness and avoid the need for medical treatment. A wellness exam is an important part of this.  

The primary advantage of preventative care is that it can help medical professionals detect small problems early so appropriate measures can be taken to ensure ... See more