Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red (UBiT®) Most Popular

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Also known as: H-pylori (Breath Test), H. pylori (Breath Test), H. pylori breath test, Helicobacter pylori breath tests, Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test Infrared UBiT


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The Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red (UBiT®) test contains 1 test with 1 biomarker .

Brief Description: The Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test (Infra-red Test) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria in the stomach. H. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that can infect the stomach lining and is associated with various gastrointestinal conditions, including gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Testing Method: Infra-red Spectrophotometry

Collection Method: Paired breath samples (pre and post) collected in PyloPlus UBT Collection Kit bags Helicobacter Pylori H Pylori Urea Breath Test Collection | Ulta Lab Tests
Specimen: Breath Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test Specimen Type | Ulta Lab Tests

Test Preparation: Patient should fast at least one hour before collection of baseline breath sample.

Use of antimicrobials, proton pump inhibitors, or bismuth preparations within two weeks prior to administering the PyloPlus® UBT test may cause a false negative result. However, a positive result is still valid.

When and Why a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red Test May Be Ordered:

A healthcare provider may order the Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test when a patient presents symptoms of a peptic ulcer or gastritis, such as abdominal pain, bloating, or indigestion. It may also be ordered to check the success of H. pylori eradication therapy after treatment.

What a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red Test Checks For:

The Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test checks for the presence of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. It utilizes a non-radioactive isotope of carbon (carbon-13 or carbon-14) labeled urea that the patient ingests. If H. pylori is present in the stomach, it breaks down the urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. The carbon dioxide is then absorbed into the bloodstream and exhaled through the breath. The exhaled breath is collected and analyzed using an infra-red spectrometer, which detects the presence of carbon dioxide.

Sample Ulta Lab Tests View of Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Test Results
H Pylori Urea Breath Test Example Ulta Lab Tests Results


Sample Quest Result Report View of Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Test Results
H Pylori Urea Breath Test Example Quest Diagnostics Results

Other Lab Tests That May Be Ordered Alongside a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red Test:

When a Urea Breath Test is ordered, it's often part of a broader evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders. Here are some tests commonly ordered alongside it:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC):

    • Purpose: To evaluate overall blood health, including white and red blood cells, and platelets.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To check for signs of anemia or infection, which can occur with chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer disease associated with H. pylori infection.
  2. Stool Antigen Test for H. pylori:

    • Purpose: To detect the presence of H. pylori antigens in the stool.
    • Why Is It Ordered: As an alternative or adjunct to the breath test for diagnosing H. pylori infection.
  3. Serum Gastrin Level:

    • Purpose: To measure the level of gastrin, a hormone that stimulates the production of stomach acid.
    • Why Is It Ordered: Elevated gastrin levels can occur in some H. pylori infections and in other conditions affecting stomach acid production.
  4. Fecal Occult Blood Test:

    • Purpose: To check for hidden blood in the stool.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To screen for bleeding that might be associated with H. pylori-induced ulcers or gastritis.
  5. Liver Function Test:

    • Purpose: To assess liver health.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To rule out liver conditions that can present with similar symptoms to peptic ulcer disease.
  6. Celiac Disease Panel:

    • Purpose: To test for celiac disease.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To rule out celiac disease as a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms, which can sometimes mimic those caused by H. pylori infection.

These tests, when ordered alongside a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s gastrointestinal health. They help in diagnosing H. pylori infection, assessing its impact, identifying complications, and ruling out other gastrointestinal disorders. The specific combination of tests will depend on the individual’s symptoms, medical history, and clinical findings.

Conditions or Diseases That Would Require a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red Test:

The Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test is primarily used to diagnose H. pylori infection, which is associated with the following conditions:

  1. Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining caused by H. pylori infection.

  2. Peptic Ulcer Disease: H. pylori infection is a significant risk factor for developing ulcers in the stomach or duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine).

  3. Gastric Cancer: Chronic H. pylori infection may increase the risk of developing gastric cancer, although most people with H. pylori do not develop cancer.

How Health Care Providers Use the Results of a Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red Test:

If the Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test confirms the presence of H. pylori infection, healthcare providers can prescribe appropriate antibiotics and acid-suppressing medications to eradicate the bacteria and treat associated gastrointestinal conditions. The test is also used to assess the success of H. pylori eradication therapy after treatment completion. Additionally, it may be used to screen asymptomatic individuals who are at higher risk for H. pylori infection due to certain risk factors or family history. Early detection and treatment of H. pylori infection can help prevent the progression of related complications and improve overall gastrointestinal health.

Most Common Questions About the Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath test:

Understanding the Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red (H. pylori UBT, IR)

What is the Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red?

The Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test, Infra-red, often abbreviated as H. pylori UBT, IR, is a non-invasive diagnostic test used to detect infections by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

Why is the H. pylori UBT, IR test ordered?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test is usually ordered when a patient has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, frequent burping, or other symptoms suggestive of a gastric or peptic ulcer, as H. pylori is a common cause of these ulcers.

What do the results of the H. pylori UBT, IR test mean?

A positive result on the H. pylori UBT, IR test suggests that the patient is currently infected with H. pylori. A negative result indicates that the bacterium is not present, or is present in numbers too low to be detected by the test.

Interpreting H. pylori UBT, IR Test Results

What does a positive H. pylori UBT, IR result mean?

A positive result indicates the presence of H. pylori infection. This bacterium can lead to inflammation and ulcers in the stomach or small intestine, and in some cases, can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.

What does a negative H. pylori UBT, IR result mean?

A negative result indicates that H. pylori is not present, or is present in numbers too low to be detected by the test. This suggests that H. pylori infection is unlikely to be the cause of the patient's symptoms.

H. pylori UBT, IR Test and Specific Health Conditions

How is the H. pylori UBT, IR test used in diagnosing peptic ulcers?

H. pylori is a common cause of peptic ulcers. The H. pylori UBT, IR test can be used to confirm the presence of the bacterium. If the test is positive and the patient has symptoms of a peptic ulcer, the healthcare provider can then make a diagnosis and start treatment.

How is the H. pylori UBT, IR test used in managing gastritis?

H. pylori is a leading cause of gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining. The H. pylori UBT, IR test can confirm the presence of the bacterium, which can then be treated to help manage the patient's gastritis.

H. pylori UBT, IR Test and Treatment Considerations

How do the results of the H. pylori UBT, IR test influence the treatment plan?

A positive H. pylori UBT, IR test result indicates that H. pylori is present, so treatment with antibiotics and medication to reduce stomach acid is typically recommended. If the test is negative, other causes for the patient's symptoms would need to be investigated.

Can the H. pylori UBT, IR test be used to confirm that H. pylori infection has been eradicated following treatment?

Yes, the H. pylori UBT, IR test is often used to confirm that H. pylori has been eradicated following treatment. This is usually done several weeks after treatment has ended to ensure the bacterium has been completely eliminated.

H. pylori UBT, IR Test and Other Diagnostic Tools

How does the H. pylori UBT, IR test relate to other tests for H. pylori?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test is one method of detecting H. pylori, but other tests exist, such as a stool antigen test, a blood antibody test, or a biopsy during an endoscopy. The choice of test will depend on various factors, including the patient's symptoms and overall health.

Patient Considerations

Can lifestyle changes impact the H. pylori UBT, IR test results?

While lifestyle changes may not directly affect the H. pylori UBT, IR test results, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support overall digestive health, which may help manage symptoms associated with H. pylori infection.

What factors can influence the H. pylori UBT, IR test results?

Recent use of antibiotics or medications that reduce stomach acid can affect the results of the H. pylori UBT, IR test. For accurate results, these medications should typically be stopped for a period of time before the test.

Understanding Advancements and Limitations

How does the H. pylori UBT, IR test relate to the overall assessment of gastric health?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test is an important tool in the assessment of gastric health, particularly in diagnosing H. pylori infection, a major cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. However, it is not a comprehensive assessment, and other tests may be necessary for a complete evaluation.

What are the benefits of using the H. pylori UBT, IR test over other diagnostic methods?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test is non-invasive, safe, and highly accurate, making it a preferable option over more invasive procedures like endoscopy for many patients.

Research and Future Applications

Can the H. pylori UBT, IR test be used in the study of other bacteria?

No, the H. pylori UBT, IR test is specific to H. pylori. It works by detecting the breakdown of a compound by the unique enzyme urease, which is produced in large quantities by H. pylori.

Can the principles of the H. pylori UBT, IR test be applied to tests for other bacterial infections?

The basic principle of the H. pylori UBT, IR test—using a substance metabolized by a bacterium to detect its presence—could theoretically be applied to other bacterial infections, provided those bacteria also produce unique enzymes that can be detected in a similar way.

Can the H. pylori UBT, IR test be used as a screening tool for populations at risk of H. pylori infection?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test could theoretically be used as a screening tool in populations at risk of H. pylori infection, such as those living in crowded conditions or with poor sanitation. However, the decision to implement such screening would depend on various factors, including the prevalence of infection, the availability of treatment, and cost-effectiveness considerations.

Can the H. pylori UBT, IR test provide insights into the patient's response to treatment?

Yes, the H. pylori UBT, IR test can be used after treatment to determine whether the H. pylori infection has been successfully eradicated.

Can the H. pylori UBT, IR test be used in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders?

Yes, the H. pylori UBT, IR test can be used as part of the diagnostic process for gastrointestinal disorders, particularly when symptoms such as stomach pain or discomfort, nausea, or bloating are present.

Are there conditions that might interfere with the results of the H. pylori UBT, IR test?

Certain conditions, such as recent use of antibiotics or proton pump inhibitors, can interfere with the results of the H. pylori UBT, IR test. It's important to let your healthcare provider know about any medications you are taking before undergoing the test.

How does the H. pylori UBT, IR test contribute to the overall understanding of H. pylori and its role in gastric diseases?

The H. pylori UBT, IR test is a crucial tool in studying the epidemiology of H. pylori infection and its role in causing gastric diseases. The ability to accurately diagnose H. pylori infection allows for more precise estimates of prevalence and disease burden, contributes to research into treatment and prevention strategies, and ultimately aids in efforts to reduce the impact of H. pylori-related diseases.

We advise having your results reviewed by a licensed medical healthcare professional for proper interpretation of your results.

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