Cushing Syndrome

Cushing Syndrome Lab Tests and health information

Is your cortisol level high?

Our lab tests can accurately measure your hormone levels to see if your body makes excess cortisol and if you have Cushing syndrome.

Cortisol is a hormone that your body produces naturally. However, if your cortisol levels are too high, it can cause serious health problems. High cortisol levels can cause many symptoms, including weight gain, stretch marks, and fatigue. It can also lead to high blood pressure and diabetes, depression, osteoporosis, and infertility due to this condition. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be time to get tested for Cushing Syndrome.

If you want to learn more about Cushing Syndrome and the lab tests that can help ... See more

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The signs and symptoms of Cushing Syndrome are the results of cortisol levels that are abnormally high, which is referred to as hypercortisolism. Cortisol is a steroidal hormone that is produced by the cortex, which is the outer layer of the adrenal gland.

The hormone has multiple functions, including: 

  • The break-down of fat. 
  • Encourages glucose production in the liver. 
  • Assists in the reaction to emotional and physical stress. 
  • Regulates blood pressure. 
  • Controls inflammation. 
  • Affects the function of the cardiovascular system. 

The adrenal glands, located at the apex of each kidney, form part of the endocrine system, which is a network of glands in the body that are responsible for the production of hormones. The adrenal cortex is specifically tasked with the production of cortisol, aldosterone as well as adrenal androgens ... See more