All Bone and Joint Tests

Bone and Joint Lab Tests and health information

Aside from your medical history, bone and joint lab tests can help your doctor to diagnose if you have any bone or joint conditions. Here are some of the laboratory tests that you can undergo:

  • Blood Tests: Blood tests measure the various components of your blood. They are useful in detecting rheumatoid arthritis and other bone and joint disorders. Here are some of the blood tests that you can order from Ulta Lab Tests: 

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Bones and joints play an integral role in the body. The bones provide a solid framework, and the joints and fluid in the joints work to keep the body mobile while working together with the soft tissue and muscles. Working together, they support the weight of the body.  

Unfortunately, the bones and joints may become weak. Let's examine some of the reasons that the bones and joints may become weak and the various reasons that may cause them to become weak.  

Afterwards, we'll learn why and how lab testing can help keep the joints, bones, and nervous system in peak condition.  

Factors That Affect Bones and Joints 

  • Aging - Over time, aging can lead to gradual weakening and deterioration of the bones and joints. 
  • Injury - Bones and or joints may become injured due to overexertion or an accident. 
  • Hereditary Factors - Genetic predisposition can cause the bones and joints ... See more