Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation Lab Tests and health information

Chronic inflammation can lead to serious health conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Chronic inflammation is a condition where the body's immune system is constantly active, leading to long-term damage to tissues and organs. Unlike acute inflammation, which is a normal response to injury or infection and typically resolves on its own, chronic inflammation can persist for months or even years. A variety of factors, including autoimmune disorders, infections, and lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress, can cause it.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of health conditions, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. In some cases, ... See more

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Inflammation is typically a normal part of the healing process. The process of inflammation activates your immune system and helps your body rid itself of toxins or pathogens that pose a threat. It can also prompt your body to repair damaged tissues. Acute inflammation is easily recognizable because of the short-term effects, but chronic inflammation often occurs at a low, consistent level that makes it almost undetectable without testing.

About Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation occurs when your body continually reacts to some internal or external stressor by maintaining a low-grade immune response. Chronic inflammation can cause a breakdown in immune tolerance. Immune tolerance is your body’s ability to recognize certain substances as safe and non-threatening. Damaging your immune tolerance can cause your body to treat safe substances or objects like healthy cells as threats and attack them needlessly. 

Another side effect of chronic ... See more