Malaria/Babesia/Other Blood Parasites Blood Test

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Also known as: MalariaBabesiaOther Blood Parasites


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The Malaria/Babesia/Other Blood Parasites Blood Test test contains 1 test with 1 biomarker .

Malaria/Babesia/Other Blood Parasites Blood Test

Blood parasites such as malaria and babesiosis cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The detection and identification of these parasites in the blood can influence treatment plans, predict outcomes, and provide critical epidemiological data.

Quest Diagnostics, a leading provider of diagnostic information services, offers a comprehensive blood test named "Malaria, Babesia, and Other Blood Parasites" to identify these parasites. This test has substantial clinical significance, which we will explore in this article.

The Importance of Identifying Blood Parasites

Parasitic diseases like malaria and babesiosis present a broad spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to severe complications such as anemia, renal failure, and even death. Early identification is key to successful treatment and improved patient outcomes.


Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium species, which are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. The World Health Organization estimates that there were 229 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2019, resulting in approximately 409,000 deaths, most of which were children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. There are four different types of malaria that can infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. Among these, P. falciparum causes the most severe form of the disease and can lead to death if not treated promptly.

Infected mosquitoes spread the disease by biting individuals, causing the parasite to enter the bloodstream and invade red blood cells. There, the parasite matures and reproduces. Symptoms usually appear 10-15 days after the infective mosquito bite and include fever, headache, chills, and vomiting.

Prevention strategies include the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying, and antimalarial drugs. Vaccines are in development but none have been fully deployed.


Babesiosis, on the other hand, is a tick-borne illness caused by the Babesia microti parasite. It's primarily found in the northeastern and upper midwestern U.S. and can cause symptoms similar to those of malaria.

Babesiosis is a disease caused by microscopic parasites of the Babesia genus that infect red blood cells. Most human cases of babesiosis in the U.S. are caused by Babesia microti, which is transmitted by the blacklegged or deer tick, Ixodes scapularis.

Babesiosis typically occurs in the northeastern and upper midwestern United States, and in parts of Europe and Asia. Symptoms, appearing anywhere from a week to a month after the tick bite, can range from mild to severe and include fever, fatigue, and hemolytic anemia.

Treatment usually involves a combination of antimalarial drugs and antibiotics. Like malaria, Babesia parasites reproduce within the red blood cells, causing hemolysis and anemia.


Filariasis is a group of diseases caused by nematodes (roundworms) that invade the lymphatic system and other tissues. Depending on the species, these worms can cause lymphatic filariasis (commonly known as elephantiasis), onchocerciasis (river blindness), or loiasis.

In lymphatic filariasis, adult worms block lymphatic vessels, causing severe swelling and disfigurement, typically of the legs, arms, and genitals. Onchocerciasis leads to skin rashes, lesions, intense itching, and eye damage that can lead to blindness. Loiasis is often less severe but can cause itching, joint pain, and other symptoms.

These diseases are primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and the Pacific. Mosquitoes or flies transmit the parasites depending on the species. There are no vaccines for filariasis, and prevention focuses on controlling the vectors and administering medication to populations at risk.

Other Blood Parasites

In addition to malaria and babesiosis, there are other blood parasites that can cause diseases. These include Trypanosoma, which causes African sleeping sickness, and Leishmania, which leads to visceral leishmaniasis, among others.

Accurate Treatment

Accurate identification of the parasite allows for a targeted treatment approach. For instance, malaria treatment depends on the species of Plasmodium involved, the severity of the patient's symptoms, possible drug allergies, and the geographical area where the infection was acquired, which might indicate drug resistance. Similarly, babesiosis is typically treated with a combination of antimalarial drugs and antibiotics.

Estimation of Prognosis

The detection of these parasites also has implications for the prognosis of the disease. For example, infections with Plasmodium falciparum, if not treated promptly, can lead to life-threatening complications.

Epidemiological Data

The data derived from these tests also provide valuable epidemiological information that can guide public health initiatives aimed at disease control and prevention.

Not a Panacea: Limitations of the Test

While the Quest blood test for Malaria, Babesia, and Other Blood Parasites is a vital tool in managing these diseases, it is important to note its limitations. Microfilaria, for instance, can be detected from a Giemsa stain. However, the test is not recommended for the primary detection of microfilaria. Furthermore, one negative observation cannot rule out the presence of blood parasites. Therefore, if a patient's symptoms persist or if there is a strong suspicion of parasitic infection, repeated testing or the use of additional diagnostic tools may be necessary.

In conclusion, the Quest blood test for Malaria, Babesia, and Other Blood Parasites plays a vital role in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of these diseases. As with all tests, it is not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with clinical findings and other diagnostic tools. Nevertheless, its value in the clinical setting and its contribution to global health cannot be overstated.

Quest's Blood Test: Clinical Significance

The Quest blood test aims to identify these parasites in the blood, a process that is crucial to determine appropriate treatment and estimate patient prognosis.

Malaria/Babesia/Other Blood Parasites - The identification of malarial parasites and other blood parasites is used to determine treatment and prognosis. Babesia and other blood parasites are noted and reported. Microfilaria can be detected from a giemsa stain. However, this test is not recommended for the detection of microfilaria. One negative observation cannot rule out blood parasites.

Note: Travel history (name of country and when visited) and anti- malarial agents should be noted on the requisition.


Microscopic Examination with Giemsa stain.
One negative observation cannot rule out blood parasites.
Babesia and other blood parasites are noted and reported.

Reference Range(s)


Alternative Name(s)

Filariasis, Blood,Babesia

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