Regional Allergy Tests

Regional Allergy Tests and health information

Are allergies causing you discomfort in your local area?

Regional allergies are a result of allergens that vary based on your geographic location. Different areas may have distinct types of weeds, dust, grasses, and even pollen, which can trigger allergic reactions. Exposure to familiar allergens may make you more sensitive to new allergens when you travel or move to a different place.

Ulta Lab Tests can assist you in finding the most suitable allergy tests to determine if you are allergic to environmental factors such as animals, antibiotics, grasses, house dust, mites, insects, insulin, molds, smuts, trees, and weeds. The tests can also help identify potential triggers for hay fever, asthma, atopic eczema, and ... See more

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One of the most common health issues in the United States is allergies. Each year, more than 50 million people in America suffer from some type of allergy, which can be serious enough for hospitalization in some cases. 

If you are experiencing allergy symptoms in certain parts of the country, you may have regional allergies. However, there are ways that you can take control of your allergies with regional allergy tests. Keep reading this article for everything you need to know about regional allergy testing and how it can help you. 

What Are Regional Allergies?

Regional allergies are allergies that vary considerably due to location.

For example, allergens will differ in every place you go, including different types of weeds, dust, and even grass. When you are used to the allergens that you are exposed to, you can become more sensitized to other sets of allergens in different locations. 

Risk Factors for Regional Allergies

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