All Autoimmune Tests

Autoimmune Tests Lab Test and health information

Over 80 diseases result from autoimmune responses, and the following tests are used to confirm the diagnosis and monitor the various autoimmune disorders.

Your body's immune system naturally helps fight against harmful bacteria and other foreign substances. This natural response revolves around antibodies and specific immune cells. Autoimmune diseases occur when your body's immune system fights against normal constituents, instead of harmful bacteria and other foreign substances. It has everything to do with your immune system failing to discern between "self" vs. "non-self" constituents. This failure to discern may produce immune cells or antibodies (or auto-antibodies) that target the body's own cells, tissues, and/or organs. ... See more

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How familiar are you with autoimmune diseases? 

Your body’s immune system naturally helps fight against harmful bacteria and other foreign substances. This natural response revolves around antibodies and specific immune cells. Autoimmune diseases occur when your body’s immune system fights against normal constituents, instead of harmful bacteria and other foreign substances. It has everything to do with your immune system failing to discern between “self” vs. “non-self” constituents.  This failure to discern may produce immune cells or antibodies (or auto-antibodies) that target the body’s own cells, tissues, and/or organs.  These attacks cause inflammation and tissue damage that result in autoimmune disorders. 

Over 80 diseases have been classified as resulting from autoimmune responses, and there is evidence to suggest that there are 40 other diseases that may have an autoimmune basis.

According to the National Institutes ... See more

Sarcoidosis is a medical condition caused by immune system cells clumping together to form lumps called granulomas. Granulomas can develop in any part of the body, but the most common (and serious) sites where they form are in the lungs, eyes, lymph nodes, and skin. Granulomas often disappear on their own within two to three years. Sometimes, though, granulomas clump together. When this occurs in an important organ, it can cause it to become inflamed. If the granulomas persist for long enough, they can impede the function of the organ and cause fibrosis, that is, permanent scarring. 

The precise cause of sarcoidosis is not well understood. Many risk factors are believed to contribute to the disease, including genetic predisposition, immune system overreactions when exposed to bacteria or viruses, and environmental triggers like chemicals and allergens. 

Sarcoidosis occurs in people of all ages and communities, but sufferers are most commonly ... See more