Hemoglobin Abnormalities

Hemoglobin Abnormalities Lab Testing and health information

Order a hemoglobin test to evaluate your hemoglobin levels, a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. If your hemoglobin levels are abnormal, it may be a sign that you have a blood disorder. Learn about your health today and order your test from Ulta Lab Tests.

Below the list of tests is a guide that explains and answers your questions on what you need to know about hemoglobin tests, along with information on hemoglobin abnormalities, signs, symptoms, and diagnosis.

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Hemoglobin abnormalities are variant forms of hemoglobin that are frequently inherited and can cause hemoglobinopathy (a blood disorder). 

Hemoglobin is a protein compound that contains iron and is found inside red blood cells. It transports oxygen throughout the entire body. It is comprised of globin chains, which are the proteins and heme, which is the part that contains iron.

There are several different kinds of globin chains: gamma, delta, and alpha. Regular types of hemoglobin include the following:  

Hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin or Hb F): Around 1% to 2% of hemoglobin that is found in adults. It has two gamma protein chains and two alpha protein chains. This is the main hemoglobin that a fetus produces during pregnancy. Usually, its product drops right after birth, and within 1-2 years reaches the adult level.  

Hemoglobin A2 (Hb A2): Around ... See more