Sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. have reached an all-time high since 2015! There were approximately 2.6 million cases of STDs in 2019 in the U.S. More than 1.8 million cases of Chlamydia, 129,813 cases of Syphilis, and 616,329 cases of gonorrhea were reported.
Are you taking steps to protect yourself? Are you safe?
In this piece, you'll learn everything you need to know about screening methods and the top tests a patient can ask for STDs. In addition, you'll learn what each STD is and the possible symptoms and signs for each.
Don't hesitate! Continue reading to discover what STD tests you can ask for today for a safer tomorrow.
What Are STDs?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections spread from one individual to another, generally by sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, and oral). Some common examples of STDs are Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes 1, and Syphilis.
While anyone can become infected with an STD, you're at a higher risk if:
- You don't use a condom
- You have sex with a person who has had several partners
- You share needles
- You have multiple sex partners
- You trade sex for money or drugs
STDs are widespread, and many people who have them rarely have any symptoms. Besides, some STDs, such as HIV, don't have a cure. Regardless, getting tested is essential.
Why Get Tested?
If you have an infection or disease, you'll have symptoms, right? Not always.
Many STDs out there don't have symptoms, and without treatment, they can lead to serious health issues. But the good news is that getting tested for STDs is not a big deal, and most sexually transmitted diseases are easy to treat, so it's best to be informed and ask for these tests.
1. Chlamydia
This is a prevalent (but curable) sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial infection. Chlamydia affects the cervix in women and the penile urethra in men. Often it doesn't have symptoms, but it's easy to treat once diagnosed.
Possible symptoms for men:
- Discharge from the penis
- Burning sensation during urination
- Testicular pain and swelling
Possible symptoms for women:
- Burning during urination
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
The most effective way to prevent Chlamydia is to abstain from sexual intercourse (oral, virginal, and anal). For sexually active people, the best way to stay Chlamydia free is to maintain a monogamous relationship with a person who has no STDs. Of course, regularly practice safe sex, i.e., use condoms.
Again, since Chlamydia rarely shows any symptoms, it's crucial to ask your physician for tests. If you're not comfortable talking to your doctor about STDs, visit a testing center near you.
Testing for Chlamydia
A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will provide you with a urine collection cup to provide 20-30 ml of urine for testing.
2. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is another extremely common STD, with over 600,000 cases in 2019 (up 56% from 2015).
If not treated, gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and an increase in HIV. Pelvic inflammatory disease can lead to infertility, among many other health problems.
Possible symptoms in men:
- A white, green, or yellow discharge
- Painful or burning urination
- Swollen testicles
Possible symptoms for women:
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Bleeding between your period
- Painful or burning urination
Testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
It's highly recommended that you get tested yearly for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea if:
- You're under 25
- You have HIV
- You've been forced to engage in sex without consent
- You're a man who has sex with men
- You're over 25 and sexually active with multiple sex partners
Again, it's always best to get tested regularly to be aware if you have any STDs or not. But getting tested regularly is even more critical if you fall under either of the categories above.
How it's performed: A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will provide you with a urine collection cup to provide 20-30 ml of urine for testing.
3. HIV
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV damages your immune system by destroying a type of white blood cell that helps your body fight infections.
Transmission: HIV spreads in different ways, including through vaginal secretions, semen, breast milk, and contact with the blood of a person with HIV. While HIV is not curable, it is treated by drugs commonly known as HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) or CART (combined antiretroviral therapy).
These drugs make HIV a manageable chronic condition and reduce the chances of HIV reaching its final stage and causing AIDS. They also reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others. Some early symptoms of HIV include:
- Thrush (fungal infection of the mouth)
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea
- Feeling tired
- Fever
- Muscle and joint pain
- Rash
- Night sweats
- Ulcer on mouth or genitals
- Headaches
The above symptoms can show 1-2 months after transmission but can appear as soon as 2 weeks after infection. Some people don't experience any symptoms, and you can have no symptoms for a decade without knowing you have HIV.
While women and men experience many similar symptoms, some women may experience abnormal signs such as pap smears showing cervical dysplasia. Women with HIV can have PID as well. If you experience continual or severe vaginal infections, they could also be signs and symptoms of HIV.
Men with HIV can experience an ulcer on the penis.
Testing for HIV
The only way to be 100% sure you're HIV-free is to get tested.
How it's done: A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will perform a blood draw on you and send the specimen into a national testing laboratory for testing.
Note: If you're concerned about privacy, anonymous and confidential testing is available at many health centers.
The Difference Between HIV and AIDS
Often confused to be one and the same, there are differences between HIV and AIDS.
First, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, also known as stage 3 HIV. Thanks to different treatment options, people with HIV do not always have AIDS and can lead long and healthy lives.
HIV is the virus that causes immune system deterioration by destroying T cells or CD4 cells that help protect the body from infections. Once contracted, your immune system can't fight off infections the way it should. HIV can be managed through medication, but there's no cure.
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the disease caused by the damage that HIV does to your immune system. The symptoms of AIDS can vary from one person to another depending on the infections a patient develops from having a damaged immune system.
AIDs is the most severe stage of HIV, and it leads to death overtime. Keep in mind that HIV doesn't always lead to AIDS, and early detection coupled with taking the proper treatment can help prevent that.
Protecting Against HIV
- Get tested for HIV (It's the only way to be 100% sure you have HIV or not. Then if you have HIV, you can get the proper treatment to reduce the risk of spreading to others and take precautions against it turning into AIDS)
- Always use condoms for sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal, and anal)
- Practice less risky sexual behaviors, such as limiting the number of sexual partners you have
- Don't use or share needles. You can find needle exchange locations near you if necessary.
- Getting tested and treated for STDs
- Be cautious when handling blood and assume that any blood could be infectious. Use barriers or wear gloves for protection against touching or handling blood.
4. Herpes
Herpes is a common viral STD that comes in two forms: HSV-1 and HSV-2.
When people get a cold sore, that's what's referred to as HSV-1.
HSV-1 (herpes simplex type 1) usually makes sores pop up on and around your mouth and lips. On the other hand, HSV-2 (herpes simplex type 2) often causes genital sores. It is possible to transfer herpes through skin-to-skin contact with infected areas, meaning you can spread herpes from the genitals to the mouth and the other way around as well.
There's no cure for HSV, but symptoms are manageable with antiviral drugs
Many people don't know when they're infected with herpes or mistake sores caused by the virus for something else. You can transfer herpes even when you don't have any sores or symptoms.
Always wearing a condom during sex can lower the chances of giving herpes to other people, but it's not 100% effective. Outbreaks can be sparked by both internal and external triggers, including illness, stress, or trauma.
HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes and spreads through the transfer of saliva, herpes sores, vaginal fluid, semen, and blisters. You can get herpes simplex type 1 from kissing, sharing drinks, or having oral sex with a person who has the virus.
HSV-2 usually causes genital herpes and is transferred through semen, vaginal fluid, and skin-to-skin contact with mucous membranes. If you have herpes simplex type 2, you can experience lesions and painful blisters on the genitals, anus, and upper thighs.
Before sores or blisters appear, you can experience fever, body aches, or tingling and pain in your genitals, hips, legs, as well as swollen lymph nodes.
Herpes Symptoms Men vs. Women
When herpes symptoms show, they can first occur about 2 weeks after exposure. In men, blisters or sores appear on the penis and appear on the thighs, scrotum, and buttocks.
Some men can also experience difficulty and pain urinating, swollen lymph nodes in the groin and pelvis region, and have discharge from the urinary tube.
For women, herpes sores can pop up on the labia majora (outer lips), the entrance of the vagina, and the labia minora (inner lips). You can also have blisters on the thighs, clitoris, buttocks, or anus. Some women may also experience watery discharge from the vagina.
Some women who experience herpes symptoms can have a yeast infection as well. Herpes outbreaks that recur in women can be due to menstruation, exposure to sunlight, pregnancy, and not eating healthy.
Testing for Herpes
The only way to be 100% certain if you have herpes or not is to get tested.
How it's done: A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will perform a blood draw on you and send the specimen into a national testing laboratory for testing.
5. Syphilis
Syphilis is an STD caused by bacterial infection. While it is easy to cure with antibiotic medication, left untreated, it can cause significant and permanent complications. Syphilis is spread by having direct contact with syphilis sores which can be on the genitals or mouth. That means it can be transferred through oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse.
Condoms go a long way in reducing the risk, but they do not entirely eliminate the risk of spreading Syphilis. Syphilis causes small and painless sores, which can heal on their own, so you might not know if you have it. But you'll still be infected. Syphilis can easily be treated and cured with antibiotic medication if you treat it early.
Men and women with Syphilis often experience the same symptoms. For men, a small ulcer that is small, reddish-brown, and flat may pop up in the anus, on the mouth, and genitals. For women, the ulcer can pop up inside the vagina. These ulcers are usually painless and have no odor.
Syphilis Testing
How the test is done: A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will perform a blood draw on you and send the specimen into a national testing laboratory for testing.
6. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is a common STD caused by a parasite and is often misdiagnosed by women as bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection since the symptoms can be similar. Some symptoms of Trichomoniasis in women include:
- Strong vaginal odor
- Pain or discomfort during intercourse
- Irritation, itching, soreness, or burning of the vagina and vulva
- Painful urination
Most men who get Trichomoniasis do not have symptoms. If they do, they may include:
- Discharge from penis
- Burning after ejaculation or urination
- Irritation or itching inside the penis
If you have this STD, you'll want your partner to get tested and treated, so they don't transfer it back to you.
Trichomoniasis Testing
How it is performed: Your healthcare provider will take a swab sample of your genital area and send it to a national testing laboratory for testing.
7. Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an infection composed of Hepatitis A, B, or C. It is spread through different modes, but all can cause liver disease. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, but so can Hepatitis C. Hepatitis A is spread through food and can cause jaundice and fever.
You can protect yourself by using condoms and getting a Hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis is curable, and the only way to be sure if you have hepatitis is to get tested.
Testing for Hepatitis
How it is performed: A phlebotomist at an authorized patient service center will perform a blood draw on you and send the specimen into a national testing laboratory for testing.
Get STD Screening with Ulta Lab Tests
Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases is important! It's the first step to taking proper precautions to protect yourself from contracting them and feeling better if you have symptoms. And many STDs don't always have signs and symptoms, so getting an STD screen is crucial.
Protect yourself and your partner, too. Get the facts with an STD scan. STD tests are quick and easy with Ulta Lab Tests.
Ulta Lab tests provides accurate and reliable tests so that you can make informed decisions regarding your health. Here are some of the benefits patients love about Ulta Lab Tests:
- Confidential and secure results
- No insurance required
- No doctor’s referral needed
- Affordable pricing
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
Order your tests with Ulta Lab Tests and get your results back within 24-48 hours of having your specimen collected for most tests.
Take control of your health with Ulta Lab Tests today!