Syphilis FTA-ABS

There are no preparation instructions.

The following is a list of what is included in the item above. Click the test(s) below to view what biomarkers are measured along with an explanation of what the biomarker is measuring.

Also known as: Fluorescent Treponemal Antigen, FTAABS, Syphilis, Treponemal pallidum


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The Syphilis FTA-ABS test contains 1 test with 1 biomarker .

Brief Description: The Syphilis FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption) test is a specific blood test used to detect the presence of antibodies against the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis. This test is considered confirmatory for syphilis and is often used to verify the results of other syphilis screening tests.

Collection Method: Blood Draw Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Blood Draw | Ulta Lab Tests
Specimen Type: Serum Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Specimen Type Serum | Ulta Lab Tests

Test Preparation: No preparation required

When and Why a Syphilis FTA-ABS Test May Be Ordered:

A healthcare provider may order the Syphilis FTA-ABS test in the following situations:

  1. Positive Screening Test: When a patient has a positive result on a syphilis screening test (e.g., rapid plasma reagin test, syphilis enzyme immunoassay), the FTA-ABS test is ordered to confirm the diagnosis of syphilis.

  2. Pregnancy: Pregnant women are often screened for syphilis, and if the screening test is positive, the FTA-ABS test is performed for confirmation. This is crucial as untreated syphilis during pregnancy can lead to severe complications in the fetus, including congenital syphilis.

  3. Exposure to Syphilis: If a person has had a recent exposure to syphilis or is considered at high risk due to sexual activity or other factors, the FTA-ABS test may be ordered to check for early infection.

What a Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Checks For:

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test detects the presence of specific antibodies (IgG and IgM) that the immune system produces in response to infection with the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis. The test uses fluorescent-labeled antibodies to target and bind to the treponemal antibodies present in the patient's blood. If these antibodies are present, they will be visualized under a fluorescent microscope, indicating a positive result for syphilis infection.

Sample Ulta Lab Tests View of FTA-ABS Test Results
Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Example Ulta Lab Tests Results


Sample Quest Result Report View of FTA-ABS Test Results
Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Example Quest Diagnostics Results

Other Lab Tests That May Be Ordered Alongside a Syphilis FTA-ABS Test:

When a Syphilis FTA-ABS test is ordered, it's often part of a broader evaluation of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and related health concerns. Here are some tests commonly ordered alongside it:

  1. RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) Test:

    • Purpose: These are non-treponemal tests used for initial screening for syphilis.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To detect antibodies that are produced in response to the cellular damage caused by the syphilis bacteria. These tests are sensitive but not specific for syphilis and can be positive in various other conditions.
  2. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Tests:

    • Purpose: To screen for hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses, which are common in individuals with STIs.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To assess for co-infection, as sexual transmission is a common route for these viruses as well.
  3. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Types 1 and 2 Serology:

    • Purpose: To test for past or present infection with herpes simplex virus, which can cause genital herpes.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To evaluate for other STIs, especially if the patient has symptoms like genital ulcers.
  4. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing:

    • Purpose: To test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, common bacterial STIs.
    • Why Is It Ordered: These infections often occur together with syphilis, so it's important to screen for multiple STIs.
  5. Complete Blood Count (CBC):

    • Purpose: To evaluate overall blood health.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To check for signs of infection or anemia, which can occur with chronic diseases including STIs.
  6. Liver Function Test:

    • Purpose: To assess liver health.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To evaluate liver function, as syphilis in its later stages can affect multiple organs, including the liver.
  7. Urinalysis:

    • Purpose: To analyze various components of the urine.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To check for urinary tract infections or kidney involvement, especially in later stages of syphilis.

These tests, when ordered alongside a Syphilis FTA-ABS test, provide a comprehensive assessment of sexual health and help in the diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections. They are crucial for identifying co-infections, assessing the impact of these infections, and guiding appropriate treatment strategies. The specific combination of tests will depend on the individual’s symptoms, sexual history, and risk factors.

Conditions or Diseases That Would Require a Syphilis FTA-ABS Test:

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is specifically used to diagnose syphilis, which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Early detection and treatment of syphilis are essential to prevent complications and transmission.

How Health Care Providers Use the Results of a Syphilis FTA-ABS Test:

A positive Syphilis FTA-ABS test confirms the diagnosis of syphilis, indicating an active or past infection with Treponema pallidum. Health care providers use the results to determine the appropriate treatment and follow-up care for the patient. If left untreated, syphilis can progress to severe stages and lead to serious health complications affecting the heart, brain, nerves, and other organs. Treating syphilis promptly with antibiotics can effectively cure the infection and prevent its complications. Additionally, if a pregnant woman tests positive for syphilis, treatment can prevent transmission of the infection to the fetus and prevent congenital syphilis.

Most Common Questions About the Syphilis FTA-ABS test:

Understanding the Syphilis FTA-ABS Test

What is the Syphilis FTA-ABS test?

The Syphilis Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (FTA-ABS) test is a blood test used to confirm the presence of antibodies produced in response to the bacterium Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis.

When is the Syphilis FTA-ABS test typically ordered?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is often ordered when a patient has had a positive or equivocal (uncertain) result on a screening test for syphilis, such as the Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test.

What do the results of the Syphilis FTA-ABS test mean?

A positive Syphilis FTA-ABS test indicates the presence of antibodies to T. pallidum, suggesting a current or past infection with syphilis. A negative test suggests no infection or an early infection where antibodies have not yet developed.

Interpreting Syphilis FTA-ABS Test Results

What does a positive Syphilis FTA-ABS test mean?

A positive result indicates the presence of antibodies to T. pallidum, suggesting a current or past infection with syphilis. However, the test cannot differentiate between current and past infections.

What does a negative Syphilis FTA-ABS test mean?

A negative result suggests no infection or a very early infection where antibodies have not yet developed. However, a negative result does not rule out a very recent exposure to syphilis.

Syphilis FTA-ABS Test and Specific Health Conditions

How is the Syphilis FTA-ABS test used in the diagnosis of syphilis?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is usually used as a confirmatory test following a positive screening test for syphilis. This test can help confirm the diagnosis and guide treatment.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test differentiate between various stages of syphilis?

No, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test cannot differentiate between the different stages of syphilis. It can only indicate the presence of antibodies against T. pallidum, which can occur in any stage of syphilis infection.

Syphilis FTA-ABS Test and Treatment Considerations

How do the results of the Syphilis FTA-ABS test influence the treatment plan?

A positive Syphilis FTA-ABS test usually leads to treatment with antibiotics to eliminate the T. pallidum infection. The length and type of treatment depend on the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for syphilis?

No, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is not typically used to monitor treatment effectiveness because the antibodies detected by this test may remain in the body for many years after successful treatment.

Syphilis FTA-ABS Test and Other Diagnostic Tools

How does the Syphilis FTA-ABS test relate to other tests for syphilis?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is often used as a follow-up to a positive screening test, such as the RPR or VDRL test. While these screening tests are useful for initial detection, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test provides more specificity and can confirm the diagnosis of syphilis.

Patient Considerations

Can lifestyle changes impact the Syphilis FTA-ABS test results?

While lifestyle changes can't directly influence the Syphilis FTA-ABS test results, practicing safe sex, including the consistent use of condoms, can reduce the risk of contracting syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections.

What factors can influence the Syphilis FTA-ABS test results?

The primary factor that influences the Syphilis FTA-ABS test result is the presence of antibodies against T. pallidum in the blood. However, the test may yield a false-negative result if performed very early in the infection before antibodies have developed.

Understanding Advancements and Limitations

What are the benefits of using the Syphilis FTA-ABS test over other diagnostic methods?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is more specific than other tests for syphilis, making it a reliable tool for confirming a syphilis diagnosis following a positive screening test.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test help distinguish between syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections?

Yes, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is specific to syphilis and helps differentiate it from other sexually transmitted infections.

Research and Future Applications

How does the Syphilis FTA-ABS test contribute to understanding the epidemiology of syphilis?

By accurately confirming the diagnosis of syphilis, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test contributes to data collection on syphilis prevalence and can help inform public health strategies to control the spread of this infection.

Are there ongoing studies about the use of Syphilis FTA-ABS test for other diseases?

As of my last update in September 2021, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is specific for syphilis and is not typically used in the diagnosis of other diseases.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test be used as a screening tool in populations at risk for syphilis?

While the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is not typically used for initial screening due to its high cost and complexity, it is an important confirmatory test in populations at high risk for syphilis following a positive result on a less specific screening test.

What is the role of the Syphilis FTA-ABS test in prenatal care?

If a pregnant person tests positive for syphilis on a screening test, a confirmatory test such as the Syphilis FTA-ABS may be performed. Undiagnosed and untreated syphilis can lead to serious complications during pregnancy and can infect the baby, leading to severe illness or death.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test detect syphilis in its latent (inactive) stage?

Yes, the Syphilis FTA-ABS test can detect antibodies to T. pallidum even during the latent stage of syphilis, when symptoms may not be present. This makes it a valuable tool for diagnosing latent syphilis.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test be used to differentiate between treated and untreated syphilis?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test can remain positive for life, even after successful treatment. Therefore, it cannot differentiate between treated and untreated syphilis.

Are there other tests that may be preferred over the Syphilis FTA-ABS test for certain patient populations or situations?

In some cases, the Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA) might be used instead of the FTA-ABS. The decision to use one test over another depends on the patient's specific situation and the resources available at the healthcare facility.

How does the Syphilis FTA-ABS test contribute to the overall understanding of syphilis and its transmission?

The Syphilis FTA-ABS test is a key tool for confirming syphilis diagnosis, which helps collect accurate data on infection rates. This data is crucial for understanding the epidemiology of syphilis and developing effective public health strategies to control its spread.

What factors could lead to a false-positive result on the Syphilis FTA-ABS test?

While the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is highly specific, false-positive results can occur in some cases due to cross-reactivity with other conditions such as lupus, Lyme disease, or certain types of pneumonia.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test provide insights into the patient's response to treatment?

As the Syphilis FTA-ABS test remains positive for life even after successful treatment, it is not typically used to monitor a patient's response to syphilis treatment.

Can the Syphilis FTA-ABS test be used in the differential diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections?

While the Syphilis FTA-ABS test is specific to syphilis and can confirm a syphilis diagnosis, it cannot directly detect or diagnose other sexually transmitted infections. However, a positive test might prompt further testing for other STIs due to the often overlapping risk factors and modes of transmission.

We advise having your results reviewed by a licensed medical healthcare professional for proper interpretation of your results.

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