Lead, Blood Most Popular

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The following is a list of what is included in the item above. Click the test(s) below to view what biomarkers are measured along with an explanation of what the biomarker is measuring.

Also known as: BLL, Blood Lead Level, Blood Lead Test, Lead Blood

Lead(B) Collection Sample

Lead, Blood


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The Lead, Blood test contains 1 test with 3 biomarkers .

Brief Description: A Lead Blood test, also known as a Blood Lead Level (BLL) test, is a laboratory analysis that measures the concentration of lead in the blood. Lead is a toxic metal that can adversely affect various organs and systems, particularly the brain, nervous system, kidneys, and blood cells. The test helps assess lead exposure and its potential health effects.

Also Known As: Blood Lead Test, Blood Lead Level Test, BLL Test

Testing Method: Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry

Collection Method: Blood Draw Lead Blood Test Blood Draw | Ulta Lab Tests
Specimen: 3 mL Whole Blood Lead Blood Test Specimen Type Whole Blood | Ulta Lab Tests

Test Preparation: No preparation required

When is a Lead test ordered?

When lead exposure is a concern, blood lead tests may be required to check individuals in the workplace. Because lead can be taken home on clothing, family members may also be checked. This testing complies with federal and state occupational exposure regulations.

Adult blood lead screening does not yet have a nationwide standard like it does for children. Clinical cut-off values for increased blood lead differ by state at the moment. A national health goal for 2015, according to the CDC's Adult Blood Lead Surveillance program, is to reduce all blood lead levels in adults to less than or equal to 5 mcg/dL.

Adults who work in industries that are known to expose people to lead, such as smelters, lead plating, auto repair, and construction, should be tested for lead exposure. Adults who use lead-based paints, ceramics, or gasoline in their hobbies should also be evaluated. See the article on Lead Poisoning for a list of hobbies that could expose someone to high levels of lead.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established guidelines for workplace lead monitoring. Employee blood monitoring programs must be triggered by the findings of an initial air monitoring program, according to OSHA. If a worker's initial blood lead test result is greater than 40 mcg/dL, testing should be done every two months until two consecutive lead tests reveal a blood lead level of less than 40 mcg/dL. Higher amounts necessitate more careful monitoring.

When a person's symptoms imply possible lead poisoning, lead testing may be done for both children and adults. Fatigue, changes in mood, nausea, extended stomach trouble, headache, tremors, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, anemia, reproductive failure, encephalopathy, memory loss, seizures, and coma are examples of non-specific symptoms. Although many youngsters show no outward signs at the time of exposure, lasting damage might nonetheless occur. Children with growth failure, anemia, sleep issues, hearing loss, or speech, language, or attention deficits should be tested for lead exposure.

What does a Lead blood test check for?

Lead is a soft metal that is found in nature. Lead can harm the brain, organs, and nervous system when it is inhaled or swallowed. This test determines the current blood lead level.

Lead can cause irreparable damage even at low levels without creating physical symptoms. Lead poisoning in children can result in long-term cognitive impairment, behavioral problems, and developmental delays. Lead poisoning can result in weariness, anemia, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, headaches, stomach discomfort, renal, neurological system, and reproductive system problems. Lead poisoning can be passed down from mothers to their unborn children, resulting in miscarriages and early deliveries.

Lead was once used in paints, gasoline, water pipes, and other home products, including canned food solder. Lead is still utilized in many products and industrial processes in the United States and around the world, despite its limited use in the United States. Lead-based paint and lead-contaminated household dust may be found in homes built before 1978. The soil around these homes could be contaminated with lead as well.

Children under the age of six are the most vulnerable to lead poisoning because they frequently put their hands in their mouths, ingesting lead dust or paint chips. They can also breathe lead dust and eat or chew lead-contaminated food. Adult lead exposure is typically linked to work or recreational activities. When lead pollution is taken home on the work clothes of parents who work with lead, their children may be exposed.

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Lead Blood Test Example Ulta Lab Tests Results


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Lead Blood Test Example Quest Diagnostics Results

Lab tests often ordered with a Lead test:

Lead poisoning can affect multiple body systems, so when a Lead Blood test is ordered, it's often part of a broader evaluation of health, especially in children or occupational exposures. Here are some tests commonly ordered alongside it:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC):

    • Purpose: To evaluate overall blood health, including red and white blood cells, and platelets.
    • Why Is It Ordered: Lead poisoning can cause anemia, so a CBC can help assess the impact of lead on blood cell production.
  2. Iron Studies:

    • Purpose: To evaluate body iron stores and iron utilization.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To differentiate lead-induced anemia from iron deficiency anemia, as both can present similarly.
  3. Kidney Function Test:

    • Purpose: To assess kidney function.
    • Why Is It Ordered: Lead can be toxic to the kidneys, and chronic exposure can lead to kidney damage.
  4. Liver Function Test:

    • Purpose: To assess liver health.
    • Why Is It Ordered: Lead can also affect liver function, and these tests can help determine if there's any liver injury.
  5. Calcium and Phosphorus Levels:

    • Purpose: To measure the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
    • Why Is It Ordered: Lead can interfere with calcium metabolism, and calcium supplementation can sometimes be used in the treatment of lead poisoning.
  6. Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP):

    • Purpose: To measure protoporphyrin levels in red blood cells, which can increase when lead inhibits heme synthesis.
    • Why Is It Ordered: These tests can support a diagnosis of lead poisoning, especially in chronic exposure cases.
  7. Urinalysis:

    • Purpose: To analyze various components of the urine.
    • Why Is It Ordered: To check for kidney damage and to assess overall kidney function.

These tests, when ordered alongside a Lead Blood test, provide a comprehensive view of the health effects of lead exposure. They are essential for diagnosing and managing lead poisoning, assessing the extent of organ damage, and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. The specific combination of tests will depend on the individual’s exposure history, symptoms, and initial test results.

Conditions where a Lead test is recommended:

Lead Blood tests are crucial in assessing lead exposure and potential lead poisoning. Conditions that may require a Lead Blood test include:

  1. Lead Poisoning: Occurs when lead accumulates in the body over time, leading to toxic levels that can cause serious health issues, especially in young children and pregnant women.

  2. Occupational Exposure: Individuals working in industries where lead is commonly used or those involved in lead recycling or battery manufacturing may require regular monitoring to detect elevated lead levels.

How does my health care provider use a Lead test?

The lead test is used to assess the amount of lead in a blood sample at the time it was taken. The blood lead test is performed to check for lead poisoning. It may also be ordered to evaluate treatment effectiveness and ensure that lead levels are lowering over time.

Local lead concentrations are monitored in accordance with state and national guidelines. Screening children for lead exposure is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a number of other organizations. Over the last 45 years, testing recommendations and the definition of an elevated blood lead level have changed dramatically.

To identify children living in circumstances where they are exposed to lead hazards, the CDC utilizes a blood lead level of 5 mcg/dL as a criterion. Environmental examinations to determine lead sources, education of family members about lead poisoning, and follow-up testing to monitor the disease are all recommended for children with elevated blood lead levels. According to AAP standards, children should be tested for iron deficiency and overall nutrition. BLLs will need to be tracked over time until the environmental investigations and remedies are finished. Children with BLLs above 45 mcg/dL should be evaluated and treated.

Blood lead levels are monitored in workers who work in a lead-contaminated environment. It's used to assess both long-term and current lead exposure. A zinc protoporphyrin test is sometimes requested. When lead starts to influence red blood cell formation, the ZPP rises. Although it is not sensitive enough to be used as a screening tool for children, it may be ordered to determine average lead exposure in adults over the previous several weeks.

What do my Lead blood test results mean?

The more lead in the blood, the higher the test result. The amount of lead in the blood, on the other hand, does not always reflect the total amount of lead in the body. This is due to the fact that lead travels from the lungs and intestinal system to the blood and organs, where it is progressively eliminated and stored in tissues like bones and teeth. The danger caused by a given lead level is determined by the person's age and health, the amount of lead they are exposed to, and the length of time they are exposed to elevated lead levels.

Lead poisoning is harmful to everyone, but children are more sensitive. To identify children living in circumstances where they are exposed to lead hazards, the CDC utilizes a blood lead level of 5 mcg/dL as a criterion. Any test results that exceed this threshold should be managed and monitored. Any youngster with a high blood lead level should have his or her home or other surroundings assessed. Other members of the household should also be tested. The elevated lead level will most likely return unless the cause of the exposure - a lead danger in the environment - is eliminated or reduced.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health declared 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood as an increased blood lead level in adults in 2015. Blood lead levels in adults should be kept below 10 micrograms per deciliter, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. When BLLs are greater than or equal to 50 mcg/dL or larger than or equal to 60 mcg/dL in general industry, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration Lead Standards require workers to be removed from lead exposure, and allow workers to return to work when their BLL is less than 40 mcg/dL. If the client is symptomatic at any dose below 70 mcg/dL, removal may be indicated.

Because lead can flow through the bloodstream to an unborn child, pregnant women should restrict their lead exposure to keep their blood levels as low as possible in order to safeguard the developing fetus.

Unless the kid is encephalopathic, most doctors agree that a youngster with a lead level more than 45 mcg/dL should be treated with succimer/chelator in the hospital. Any lead level more than 70 mcg/dL in a child or adult should be treated as a medical emergency.

Most Common Questions About the Lead Blood test:

Understanding the Lead Blood Test

What is the Lead Blood test?

The Lead Blood test is a medical laboratory test that measures the level of lead in the blood. It's used to screen for or diagnose lead poisoning.

Why is the Lead Blood test important?

The Lead Blood test is important because lead is a heavy metal that can be toxic to the body, especially in children. It can affect many body systems, including the nervous system and the blood-producing systems.

What do the results of the Lead Blood test mean?

The results of the Lead Blood test are given in micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers a result of 5 mcg/dL or higher as elevated in children. In adults, symptoms of lead poisoning can occur with blood lead levels greater than 25 mcg/dL.

Interpreting Lead Blood Test Results

What does a high result in the Lead Blood test mean?

A high result in the Lead Blood test indicates lead poisoning. The severity of symptoms can depend on how high the lead levels are.

Can a person have a low result in the Lead Blood test and still have symptoms of lead poisoning?

Yes, it's possible. Some people might experience symptoms even at lower levels of exposure, especially if exposure is chronic.

How are the results of the Lead Blood test used in the treatment of lead poisoning?

The results can guide the treatment plan. If levels are very high, treatment might involve chelation therapy or EDTA therapy, which help the body to remove lead.

Lead Blood Test and Specific Populations

How is the Lead Blood test used in children?

Children are at a higher risk of lead poisoning, as they are more likely to put objects in their mouths and their bodies absorb lead more easily. The Lead Blood test is often used to screen children living in high-risk areas or homes with lead-based paint.

How is the Lead Blood test used in pregnant women?

Pregnant women exposed to lead can pass it to their unborn child, so testing can be important if lead exposure is suspected. The test can inform decisions about treatment and how to prevent further exposure.

Can the Lead Blood test be used in occupational health?

Yes, certain jobs expose workers to lead. Regular testing can help protect these workers and ensure their blood lead levels stay within a safe range.

How does the Lead Blood test aid in public health monitoring?

Public health agencies might use the Lead Blood test to monitor lead levels in certain populations or areas, helping to identify public health risks and inform interventions.

General Questions about the Lead Blood Test

Can the Lead Blood test monitor the effectiveness of treatment for lead poisoning?

Yes, decreasing lead levels after treatment can indicate that the treatment is working.

Can certain medications or supplements affect the results of the Lead Blood test?

Yes, certain medications and supplements can affect the body's absorption, storage, and excretion of lead and might affect the test results.

How does the Lead Blood test aid in diagnosing symptoms like abdominal pain, fatigue, or neurological symptoms?

These symptoms can be associated with lead poisoning, especially in adults. The Lead Blood test can help determine if lead is the cause.

Can the Lead Blood test help in diagnosing anemia?

Yes, lead poisoning can interfere with the body's ability to make hemoglobin, which can lead to anemia. This test can help determine if lead is contributing to anemia.

Can the Lead Blood test assist in diagnosing learning difficulties or behavioral problems in children?

Lead poisoning in children can lead to learning difficulties and behavioral problems. If a child has these problems and there is a possibility of lead exposure, this test can help determine if lead is the cause.

Can certain foods or drinks affect the results of the Lead Blood test?

Yes, consuming certain foods or drinks contaminated with lead prior to the test could temporarily raise blood lead levels.

How does the Lead Blood test assist in diagnosing unexplained neurological symptoms?

Unexplained neurological symptoms, such as cognitive difficulties, mood changes, or numbness and tingling, could be due to lead poisoning. The Lead Blood test can help investigate this possibility.

Can the Lead Blood test be used to monitor lead levels in people living in high-risk areas?

Yes, this test can help monitor lead levels in individuals living in areas with high levels of environmental lead.

Can the Lead Blood test help determine the cause of unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms?

Lead poisoning can cause gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, or constipation. This test can help determine if lead is the cause.

Can the Lead Blood test assist in diagnosing infertility or reproductive problems?

Lead exposure can affect reproductive health. If there are unexplained reproductive problems and a risk of lead exposure, this test might be used.

Can the Lead Blood test help in identifying the cause of unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite?

Yes, lead poisoning can cause symptoms like weight loss or loss of appetite. This test can help determine if lead is the cause.

Can the Lead Blood test be used to investigate the cause of unexplained mood disorders?

Mood disorders can sometimes be associated with lead poisoning. If other causes have been ruled out, this test might be considered.

Can the Lead Blood test be used to diagnose kidney disease?

Chronic lead poisoning can lead to kidney disease. If there's a risk of lead exposure and unexplained kidney disease, this test can be useful.

Can the Lead Blood test help in identifying causes of hypertension?

Long-term lead exposure can contribute to hypertension. If there's a risk of lead exposure and unexplained hypertension, this test might be used.

Can the Lead Blood test assist in the diagnosis of developmental delays in children?

Developmental delays can be a sign of lead poisoning in children. If a child has developmental delays and there's a possibility of lead exposure, this test can be important.

We advise having your results reviewed by a licensed medical healthcare professional for proper interpretation of your results.

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