Hair Loss (Alopecia)

Get Tested for Hair Loss (Alopecia) and health information

Are you experiencing hair loss? 

Order your hair loss test to help identify the cause of your hair loss that could be a disease, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, or infection. Learn about your health today with Ulta Lab Tests.

Learn more about alopecia and how a hair loss test can help you accurately screen and diagnose your condition in the article posted below the list of tests.

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Alopecia and other forms of hair loss affect more than 6.8 million people. However, in recent years, several hair loss tests developed that can detect potential hair loss and the factors that contribute to someone losing their hair.

If you're here, it's safe to assume you're looking for in-depth information about these hair loss lab tests and need to be pointed in the direction of a company that can provide you with an Alopecia lab test.

We're here to deliver the information you're looking for; all you've got to do is read on now.

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia, otherwise known as hair loss, can affect any place on your body where hair grows. Depending on your situation, the loss of hair can be permanent, or it could be temporary.

Even if you suspect you're losing hair, your doctor will recommend you undergo testing to confirm it. There are several types of ... See more