Bone & Joint Tests

Bone lab tests and joint and bones health information

Ulta Lab Tests offers accurate and reliable bone and joint lab tests to promote optimal bone and joint health.

Purchase your bone and joint lab tests online with Ulta Lab Tests and utilize the information to make informed health decisions. To view the lab tests that can be used to diagnose and monitor your condition, click the link provided below.

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Your bones and joints both play a vital role in your body. Bones provide a solid framework for your entire body. Your joints and joint fluid keep your body parts mobile in cooperation with your muscles and soft tissues. Together, they work to support your weight.

However, your bones and joints may grow weaker because of certain factors. Continue reading to discover more about the conditions that affect your bones and joints.

Find out why bone and joint lab tests are important to keep your bones, joints, and nervous system in optimal condition.

Factors That Affect The Bones and Joints

  • Aging: Aging can cause the gradual weakening and deterioration of your bones and joints.
  • Injuries: Your bones or joints may be injured because of accidents or overexertion.
  • Hereditary Factors: Your genetic predisposition may cause you to become susceptible to certain bone and joint ... See more