Colon (Intestine)

Colon (Intestine) Lab Tests and health information

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Nearly 150,000 adults living in the United States get diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year. Even more people get diagnosed with other colon and intestinal diseases.

Gastrointestinal problems are common, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed if you're experiencing signs and symptoms. The best things that you can do is educate yourself and order colon blood tests. Both of these steps will help you learn more about your body and how to care for it.

Keep reading to learn more about colon and intestinal diseases and lab tests for them.

What Are the Colon and Intestinal Diseases?

Colon and intestinal diseases are a collection of ailments that affect the colon, which is a part of your digestive system. The colon is a long, hollow tube at the end of the digestive tract that helps your body make and store stool before its removal from your system.

There are many types of colon and intestinal disorders: