Heavy Metal Tests

Heavy Metal Lab Tests and health information

Do you want to know if there are any heavy metals in your body? Do you want to know if your body is full of heavy metals?

Heavy metal poisoning is becoming more common. Many things can cause it, like industrial waste and contaminated food or water, as well as the air we breathe. Having too many heavy metals in your body can cause a wide range of health problems. Symptoms include tiredness, headaches, depression, and problems with the intestines. It is also linked to serious health problems, like cancer and heart disease. If you're worried about how much heavy metals you've been exposed to or if they might be affecting your health in any way, we can help you out! It is important for us to know how many different types of heavy ... See more

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The World Health Organization has a list of ten chemicals that are of concern to public health. 

These chemicals can enter our bloodstream and cause severe damage to our health. Some of the chemicals on that list are heavy metals.

How can you find out if you have been exposed to heavy metals? How can you minimize your risk of exposure? 

Read on to find out everything you need to know about heavy metal poisoning and heavy metal tests. 

What Is Heavy Metal Poisoning?

Your body needs certain substances such as iron, copper, and zinc to stay healthy. However, if you accumulate too much of these substances in the body, it can lead to health problems. 

We come into regular contact with many other metals that can accumulate in your body and cause issues.

If you have excessive exposure and a heavy metal builds up in your body in unhealthy quantities, it is classed as heavy metal poisoning. 

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