Pituitary Disorders

Lab Tests for Pituitary Disorders and health information

Do you endure headaches, fatigue, or other symptoms that limit your activities? 

Our lab tests can detect irregularities in the levels of hormones produced by pituitary gland disorders that result in headaches, fatigue, or other symptoms that limit your activities? 

If so, you may be suffering from one of the many pituitary gland disorders. These conditions can cause problems with hormone production in the body and lead to serious health issues if left untreated. We offer comprehensive lab testing for pituitary gland disorders to help determine what is causing these symptoms in your body. 

Comprehensive lab testing can determine the presence of too much or too little hormones. ... See more

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The pituitary gland is responsible for regulating hormonal production in the human body. When the gland begins to secrete too much or too little, it often leads to a set of symptoms associated with pituitary disorders. In some cases, the condition involves the presence of a pituitary tumor, which presses against nearby tissues.

The endocrine system is composed of multiple functional and well-integrated parts, including the pituitary gland. Several glands within the human body are interlinked via the endocrine system. These glands produce a variety of hormones to help balance and regulate the body’s natural processes.

This gland is located at the bottom of the brain and behind the sinus cavity. It also sits below the hypothalamus, which is responsible for sending important messages to other parts of the nervous system while regulating the body’s processes. This includes sending hormones designed to start and/or stop the pituitary gland. Once ... See more