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Quickly select one or more tests to order. The only tests in this list are the most popular tests.

7 ABO Group and Rh Type $30.95

7 ABO Group and Rh Type $30.95

46 Aldosterone, LC/MS/MS $53.95

50 Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes $60.95

174 Amylase $28.95

180 ANA Screen IFA with Reflex to Titer and Pattern $41.95

1867 Anemia Health - Advanced $175.95

198 Anti- Aging 1 Baseline $229.95

199 Anti- Aging 2 Essential $255.95

219 Apolipoprotein A1 and B $55.95

220 Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) $37.95

242 B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) $82.95

1871 Baseline Biomarkers - Advanced $304.95

250 Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) $20.95

266 Bilirubin, Direct $14.95

1876 Blood Chemistry - Basic $52.95

1877 Blood Chemistry - Basic Plus $99.95

294 C-Peptide $48.95

303 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) $30.95

2663 C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) and Homocysteine $63.95

305 CA 125 $36.95

307 CA 15-3 $46.95

308 CA 19-9 $45.95

322 Calcium, Ionized $39.95

1880 Cancer Tumor Markers (Men) - Advanced $157.95

1881 Cancer Tumor Markers (Men) - Basic $56.95

1884 Cancer Tumor Markers (Women) - Advanced $151.95

1879 Cancer Tumor Markers (Women) - Basic $67.95

1885 Cancer Tumor Markers (Women) - Basic Plus $126.95

2045 Candida Albicans Ab (IgG,IgA,IgM) $80.95

2238 Cardio IQ ASCVD Risk Panel with Score $49.95

2240 Cardio IQ Diabetes Risk Panel with Score $69.95

341 Cardio IQ™ ApoE Genotype $215.95

342 Cardio IQ™ Apolipoprotein A-1 $55.95

343 Cardio IQ™ Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) $35.95

344 Cardio IQ™ Apolipoprotein Evaluation $38.95

347 Cardio IQ™ Direct LDL $34.95

350 Cardio IQ™ Hemoglobin A1c $23.95

351 Cardio IQ™ Homocysteine $36.95

352 Cardio IQ™ hs-CRP $35.95

353 Cardio IQ™ Insulin $26.95

355 Cardio IQ™ Lipid Panel $22.95

356 Cardio IQ™ Lipoprotein (A) $29.95

357 Cardio IQ™ Lipoprotein Fractionation, Ion Mobility $44.95

358 Cardio IQ™ Lp-PLA2 (PLAC®) $86.95

362 Cardio IQ™ ProBNP, N-terminal $108.95

364 Cardio IQ™ Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, LC/MS/MS $41.95

1644 CBC (H/H, RBC, Indices, WBC, Plt) $21.95

1888 Celiac Disease - Basic $237.95

1889 Celiac Disease - Basic Plus $353.95

Showing 1 to 100 of 512 entries