Acidosis and Alkalosis

Lactic Acidosis and Alkalosis Testing and health information

Order a lactic acidosis test to evaluate if the lactate level in your blood is high enough to disrupt your acid-base (pH) balance causing lactic acidosis and inadequate oxygen in your cells and tissues (hypoxia). 

Learn about your health today and order your labs directly from Ulta Lab Tests to detect, monitor, and manage metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis.      

Below the list of tests is a guide that explains and answers your questions on what you need to know about acidosis and alkalosis tests, along with information on acidosis and alkalosis, signs, symptoms, and diagnosis.

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Do you have an excess of acid or alkali, causing the pH of your blood to be out of balance?

When it comes to staying healthy, having your blood tested is an excellent way to ensure everything is going smoothly. Your blood is an important indicator of your overall health. Doctors can examine your red and white blood cell count, nutrient, vitamin, mineral levels, and your blood's overall pH to gauge your body's health.

Your blood is made up of a delicate balance of acids and bases, and retaining the right pH is important to staying healthy. Having an excess amount of either acids or bases can cause many different kinds of health problems, and the earlier you notice signs that something is off, the faster you can treat it and get better. To help with this, scientists have developed a series of acidosis and alkalosis tests, which analyze your blood levels to detect whether things are off or not. 

Your blood is made up of a delicate balance of acids and bases, ... See more