Diabetes Health

Diabetes Blood Tests and health information

Order your diabetes blood tests to check for and to monitor diabetes. Get your blood checked on a routine basis with our Diabetes lab panels designed for everyone with diabetes or who is at risk of diabetes to stay on top of their general health. Take control and learn about your health with Ulta Lab Tests.

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The American Diabetes Association estimates that over 34 million Americans have diabetes. Diabetes can affect all ages, races, and ethnicities, but studies show it is most common in Native Americans and individuals over 45. 

While diabetes can seem scary, there are several ways to manage the disease successfully. Before you can do that, however, you need to get an official diagnosis. 

Ulta Lab Tests offers a number of diabetes blood tests that can be used to diagnose, monitor, and treat diabetes. To learn about which test could be right for you, keep reading. 

What Is Diabetes?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), diabetes affects how a person's body turns food into energy. Blood sugar and diabetes are directly related. The condition is often chronic and can require medication and other forms of medical intervention. 

Most of the food we eat is broken down into sugar. That ... See more