MMA Fighter Blood Test

MMA Fighter Blood Test and health information

Are you a mixed martial art fighter (MMA)?

The Fighter Panel tests are designed to suit the specific needs of athletes competing in MMA, boxing, kickboxing, and other forms of combative sports.

The Fighter Panel lab tests are tailored to the demands of athletes competing in mixed martial arts (MMA), boxing, kickboxing, and other combat sports. Tests for testosterone (free and total), estradiol, hCG (if required), DHEA-S, cortisol (24-hour urine), and C-reactive protein are included in these panels. It also contains a complete lipid profile, as well as the computation of the LDL/HDL ratio.

You can be confident that your results are accurate since they were tested by Quest Diagnostics, one of the most trusted ... See more

The Fighter Panel test is designed to suit the specific needs of athletes competing in MMA, boxing, kickboxing, and other forms of combative sports. 

Most licensed combative sports require their contestants to get proper lab testing to ensure the safety and security of their competitors. Fighters must adhere to a specific standard of physical conditions, and these tests ensure that those admitted into the competition are qualified for competitions.  

There are a variety of diseases that can be transmitted through the nature of combative sports. Despite the highest level of training and discipline, a contender can be easily stricken from the competition by a disease that strikes at the immune system's efficiency. 

A proper Fighter or MMA fighter panel includes testing for HIV1 and 2, Hepatitis C Antibodies, and Hepatitis B surface antigen.  

Both semi-professional and pro fighters competing in boxing, wrestling, MMA, kickboxing, ... See more