Men's Hormone Health

Hormone Imbalance Testing for Men and health information

Are you starting to feel tired, gain weight, and lose muscle mass?

Find out if you have a hormonal imbalance with Ulta Lab Tests. Our male hormone test panels include ten labs to detect a hormonal imbalance in men.  

If so, you may be at risk for a hormonal imbalance. You can find out with lab testing, starting with our Men's Hormone Panel. The panel includes nine tests that can help detect if there are any imbalances in the hormones testosterone, cortisol, DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), estradiol (E2), FSH, and LH (follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone), growth hormone (GH), IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) insulin, PSA (prostate specific antigen) or sex hormone-binding globulin.

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Name Matches

Are you a male in your early 40s or 50s? Have you noticed that things are wearing you out now that didn't before?

Maybe your memory isn't what it used to be. Or maybe your sexual performance has taken a dive recently.

Well, don't be so quick to chalk those things up to just getting older. You could be one of up to 40% of American men suffering from male hormone imbalance and not even know it! The only way to know for sure is to get a male hormone test.

So, what exactly are male hormones, and what would a hormone test involve? Keep reading to find out!

What Are Male Hormones?

Generally speaking, hormones are your body's chemical messengers. The Greek word means "setting in motion." So, they get things going, biologically speaking.

And when people refer to "male hormones," they're usually talking about a chemical called testosterone. There are others, though, and their levels are also tested during a hormone panel. Testosterone ... See more