Dietary Fatty Acids

Dietary Fatty Acids Deficiency Testing and health information

Have you been feeling fatigued or having problems focusing on things lately? It's possible that your body isn't receiving enough fatty acids.

The omega 3 test measures the levels and ratios of Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids, Arachidonic Acid, EPA, and DHA. These essential fatty acids are responsible for reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Order yours today from Ulta Lab Tests and get your results confidentially online. 

Fatty acids are energy-storing molecules that are found in cell membranes. White blood cells, red blood cells, plasma phosphatidylcholine, and tissue cells need them to function correctly.

Many different types of fatty acids can be found in food and supplements. ... See more

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A dietary fatty acid deficiency is rare. But people who suffer from it could experience debilitating effects.

However, it can be difficult to determine whether you actually have it or not. After all, the symptoms could be indicators of other conditions.

The chances are that if you are reading this page, you have a good reason for suspecting dietary fatty acid deficiency.

If that’s the case, our service at Ulta Lab Tests provides plenty of lab tests to screen for abnormal fatty acid levels along with many other dietary deficiencies.

But first, you might want to understand what this condition is and whether you have reason to be concerned.

So, keep reading to learn about what a dietary fatty acid deficiency is. This article will cover a general overview of dietary fatty acid deficiency and what tests can confirm or deny this condition.

What Is A Fatty Acid?

Before answering this question, it's important to understand ... See more