
Gonorrhea Testing and health information

Our Gonorrhea test can detect infections before gonorrhea symptoms and serious consequences occur.  Learn more in this complete guide to gonorrhea treatment.

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It might be scary or difficult to think about, but if you've even had one sexual partner, there's a chance you have a sexually transmitted infection or disease (STI or STD). Among STIs and STDs, gonorrhea is among the top three most common in the United States.

The gonorrhea CDC fact sheet estimates that there were about 1.6 million new gonorrhea infections in 2018 alone, most of which happened to people in the 15-24 age bracket.

These statistics make people uncomfortable, but they underscore how important it is to get regularly tested. A gonorrhea test is quick and easy, so there's no reason to hesitate.

To assess your chances and understand the infection and disease, read this article about what gonorrhea is and how you can seek diagnosis and treatment.

What Is Gonorrhea?

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