Herpes (HSV)

Herpes (HSV) Testing and health information

If you're struggling with troubling herpes symptoms, such as new sores on your body, herpes testing can put your mind at ease and help you find a solution.

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Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that there were 572,000 new cases of genital herpes in the United States in a single year?

That's right. It's an incredibly common disease. But did you also know that most Americans who are infected aren't even aware of it? The CDC estimated that 87.4% of people in the 14–49 age range with the disease haven't been diagnosed!

Herpes is highly contagious and potentially dangerous, so don't stay in the dark about it. Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms of herpes and the different herpes tests that can be used to diagnose it.

About Herpes

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) produces a lifelong viral infection in humans. Both of its subtypes are highly infectious and transmissible. 

The first subtype, HSV-1, can cause infections of both the mouth and the genitalia. ... See more