Animal Dander Allergy Tests

Animal Dander Allergy Test and health information

In the United States, 30% of individuals are allergic to pets. Pet allergies are commonly assumed to be caused by hair and fur, but they are caused by a protein found in animal skin cells, saliva, and urine, all of which cause us to sneeze. 

The dander or dead skin flakes cause the majority of allergies. Any animal can cause an allergic reaction, but cats and dogs are the most prevalent. 

For us to remain healthy and alive, our immune system is critical. Its job is to search for and combat alien objects such as bugs. Viruses, bacteria, and tiny particles such as dead skin cells, dust, and hair can all enter your body. 

An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system attacks innocuous ... See more

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Did you know that 30% of Americans are allergic to animals? With such a large percentage of pet allergies, you'd think that there wouldn't be so many misconceptions about animal pet dander. 

We are here to set the facts straight about allergic reactions, pet dander, and pet allergy tests. 

Keep reading to learn more!

What are Pet Allergies?

Pet allergies are often associated with the hair and fur that make our fluffy friends so adorable. This is not the case! Pet allergies are a reaction due to animal skin cells, saliva, and urine, which contain a specific protein that causes us to sniffle. 

Dead flakes of skin called dander cause most allergic reactions. You can have allergic reactions to all sorts of animals, but cats and dogs are the most common, most likely because they are the most common animals we interact with. 

Our immune system plays a critical role in keeping us healthy and alive. Its ... See more