All Anemia Tests

Anemia Lab Tests and health information

Anemia occurs when the hemoglobin level in a person's blood falls below normal. A decrease in hemoglobin is often accompanied by a reduction of hematocrit and red blood cells (or RBCs). Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is required to transfer oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Many organs and tissues in the body may suffer if not given adequate oxygen. Anemia causes weakness, weariness, and loss of energy. 

Anemia is a prevalent condition. It affects men and women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. Some people, however, are more susceptible to anemia than others. Low vitamin and iron consumption, chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and renal illness, a family history of anemia, significant ... See more

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Anemia is a type of condition that arises whenever the hemoglobin amount within an individual’s blood dips below normal. Often, a reduction in hemoglobin is associated with a reduction in the number of hematocrit and red blood cells (or RBCs). Hemoglobin is contained inside of red blood cells, and it is necessary for transporting and delivering oxygen from a person’s lungs to the other parts of their body. If the supply of oxygen is not enough, many organs and tissues in the body may be affected adversely. Individuals with anemia might lack energy and experience weakness and fatigue. 

Anemia is a common condition. It affects both women and men of all ethnic groups, races, and ages. However, certain individuals have an increased risk of developing anemia. Those people include ones with diets lacking in vitamin and irons, chronic diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease, a family history for inheriting anemia, those with significant blood ... See more