All Stress and Fatigue Tests

Stress and Fatigue Testing and health information

Did you know that over 40% of Americans experience more daily stress than they're comfortable with? Here's why it's so important to order lab tests to monitor for stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

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A shocking statistic you may not know is that 55 percent of Americans experience stress during the day. That’s about one in two people! 

It’s a statistic that should get one concerned, considering what stress can do to our bodies. 

If you feel overwhelmed by stress in your day-to-day life, you should consider a stress lab test. A lab test can check various biomarkers that can help establish whether or not your well-being is taking a hit from your level of stress. 

Let’s start by learning more about stress.

What is Stress? 

Stress is the body’s reaction upon being put under pressure by internal or external stimuli. Whenever your body responds to stressful stimuli, you may have a physical, emotional, or mental response. 

It is normal for every person to deal with stress at a point in their life. ... See more