Graves Disease

Graves Disease Testing and health information

In this guide, we cover the blood tests for Graves disease diagnosis, screening, and monitoring. Plus, we describe in detail what each Graves disease test means for you.

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In an individual that has Grave's disease, the immune system develops antibodies that cause the thyroid to produce more hormones than their body actually needs. To be diagnosed with Grave's disease, after your doctor completes a physical examination of your body, they'll order blood tests to see if you have Grave's disease.

Whether you're looking to better understand what blood tests are being ordered to diagnose your Grave's disease or you're interested in learning what tests you should order for yourself to potentially receive a diagnosis, we've come up with a complete guide to understand the key blood tests for diagnosing Grave's disease. Keep reading to learn more! 

Symptoms of Grave's Disease

There's a large variety of symptoms that have been reported in individuals with Grave's disease. Some of these symptoms include: