All Nutrition Tests

Nutrition Tests For Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency and health information

Do you want to know if you're receiving enough nutrients in your body? 

Nutritional lab testing can help you figure out how healthy you are. Nutritional laboratory testing can reveal what's going on within your body. It's better if you get tested regularly to ensure that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs to function correctly. Ulta Lab Tests provides a full range of vitamin and mineral lab tests at an affordable price, allowing you to screen for nutritional deficiencies and keep track of your health. With only one nutritional panel, you may learn how to improve your health the right way by discovering what nutrients are missing in your diet and how to correct any deficiencies that could lead to illness. ... See more

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Did you know that as many as 10% of US citizens suffer from nutritional deficiencies? The most prevalent nutritional deficiencies include: 

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Iron deficiency
  • Calcium deficiency

What makes this even more alarming is that you may not realize that you have a nutritional deficiency. This makes it essential to conduct nutritional lab tests so that the doctor can diagnose and treat the problem right away. 

Undergoing a nutrition test provides a detailed insight into how you can stay healthy. The following guide will give you a better idea regarding various nutritional deficiencies and why lab tests are essential. 

What are nutritional deficiencies? 

Your body's most significant source of nutrients is the food that you eat every day. Including fruits and vegetables in your diet can keep your nutritional ... See more

Dehydration refers to the process of excessive water loss from body tissues, which is frequently accompanied by imbalances of chloride, potassium, sodium, and other types of electrolytes. This can happen anytime fluids are lost and not replaced adequately, especially when a person doesn’t drink enough fluids. There are no symptoms of early dehydration; moderate or mild dehydration may cause symptoms including headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, fatigue, and thirst. More serious symptoms may be caused by severe dehydration, including shock, unconsciousness, low blood pressure, confusion. They might even result in death in certain cases. 

The human body is comprised of around 60% to 70% water and requires a continuous supply to function properly. Water primarily enters the body from drinking liquid and then secondarily from the food we consume. The intestines absorb the water and then carry it throughout the entire body. Water is comprised of the fluids ... See more