
Uric Acid Test for Gout and health information

Are you experiencing pain in your joints and swelling? Do you have a family history of gout?

The uric acid tests help diagnose gout, find the cause of frequent kidney stones, identify a diet that includes too many purine-rich foods and kidney disease.

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to test your uric acid levels. 

  • Frequent or intense pain in joints like knees, feet, wrists, and ankles. 
  • Swelling in one or more joints that lasts for days at a time. 
  • Redness and warmth over affected joint(s). 
  • Joint stiffness that lasts for hours after waking up in the morning. 

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Gout is on the rise, and now over 8 million adults in the US suffer from this painful condition. Gout isn't something you take a pill for and forget about.

Gout can cause joint damage and long-term health complications, and a uric acid test can give you the answers you need.

It's time to take control of your health and feel better today. Gout symptoms don't have to control your life.

If you're wondering if you have gout, then keep reading this guide to learn all about gout and the reasons and benefits of a uric acid test.

What is Gout

Gout is as common as it is complex. Gout is a type of arthritis that causes excruciating pain, stiffness, tenderness, and swelling in your joints. Gout typically affects the base of the joint of your big toe.

Gout attacks come on quickly, often waking you up in the middle of the night making you think your big toe is up in flames. Gout comes and goes, and the leading ... See more