Travelers' Diseases

Travelers' Diseases and health information

Are You a Traveler?

Find and get the correct lab tests for travelers disease, including traveler's diarrhea and various infections that occur within ten days of travel to an area with poor public hygiene. Ulta Lab Tests provides reliable blood work and secure testing, so order today! 

Travelers disease can be a serious condition that often occurs within ten days of travel to an area with poor public hygiene. Travelers' diseases are caused by infectious organisms transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected insect, ingestion of contaminated food or water, contact with an animal host, or direct contact with their bodily fluids. These diseases may also be acquired through sexual transmission. ... See more

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The term “travelers’ diseases” is an inclusive category for any sort of infection or illness that one might acquire while traveling, particularly when going from a well-developed region into a less-developed one. There are specific health risks associated with any given travel destination. Whenever you plan a trip to a different country or region, take the time to learn about potential health issues related to the places you’ll be visiting.

You may want to meet with your healthcare provider to discuss any or all the following topics: 

  • Any diseases that are known to pose a threat at your destination(s) 
  • The length of time you plan to stay at your destination(s) 
  • The activities you plan on engaging in during your trip 

Most travelers’ diseases can be prevented with proper preparation and planning. Common precautions include: