Diabetes Screening

Diabetes Screening Lab Tests and health information

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When you have glucose levels that are above normal, but not as high as to be diagnosed as a diabetic, you are probably suffering from prediabetes, also called impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose. Data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently have indicated that in the U.S. alone, during the year 2012, 86 million adults were suffering from prediabetes. Normally, people who have prediabetes do not exhibit any symptoms, but if no action is taken to reduce their glucose levels, they increasingly risk developing diabetes within the next decade of their lives. 

The United States Preventive Services Task Force, as well as the American Diabetes Association (ADA), recommends that all adults who are 45 years or more be screened for diabetes, as well as those overweight adults who are below 45 years, and have additional risk factors that could lead to type 2 diabetes. 

These risk factors are: 

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